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Our social commitment

Making a difference through dedication, inspiring change through action.

Corporate Social Responsibility

In 2023, was established the Premier Energy Foundations in both Romania and Moldova. These foundations, functioning as NGOs, are committed to aiding children and teenagers from highly vulnerable families by supporting their health, improving living conditions, facilitating education, and promoting participation in sports activities. The company embraces a transformative approach to corporate social responsibility, moving away from incidental donations to systematic efforts aimed at creating lasting shared value and fostering deeper community integration. These efforts encompass initiatives such as volunteering activities and knowledge-sharing to support educational institutions and small businesses.

Our Social Commitment

Social commitment is a core part of what we do. We allocate resources to support communities and promote well-being and inclusion. Additionally, we engage in charitable initiatives, providing financial and material support for social causes and essential services for vulnerable communities. Through these efforts, we aim to make a positive and lasting impact on society, contributing to a fairer and better world for everyone.

CSR initiatives

Social support

Undertook connection and reconnection work for socially vulnerable families, aiming to improve their living conditions and provide essential services.

Social support

Children support

In 2023, the establishment of the Premier Energy Foundation in Moldova and Romania facilitated support for over 10,000 children and teenagers across both countries, by covering their needs in the social, medical, and educational fields.

Children support

Education and training

Provides training programs for students, and engineering staff while offering support of university projects of young people.

Education and training

Cultural promotion

Actively promoted European values and culture through various social events, fostering community engagement and cultural exchange.

Cultural promotion

Empowering Safety

Involvement of the Group's employees in the volunteering project "A safety holiday" regarding the promotion of electrical safety for children in schools and summer camps. In the period 2021 -2023, more than 5300 children were trained.

Empowering Safety

Charity activities

Involved in various charitable endeavors, including donations, while also coordinating social events and educational initiatives for children.

Charity activities